Tools/Capitalize My Title

Capitalize My Title

Title Case

Sentence case



First Letter


What Is Capitalize My Title?

Capitalize My Title is an easy, smart title capitalization tool that uses title capitalization rules published by leading professional organizations to ensure your titles and headlines are capitalized correctly. We analyze your titles and headlines using a combination of logic and artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning to determine which words in your heading should be capitalized.

How to Use Capitalize My Title

  1. Select your title capitalization style above by clicking on a tab. If you have questions, read our title capitalization rules below.
  2. Enter your title in the text box.
  3. Watch your title convert case and be automatically capitalized!
  4. If you want to, you can press “Enter” on your keyboard or click the Copy button next to the text box to copy the text to your clipboard.
  5. Capitalize your next title.

What to Capitalize in a Title

Understanding what to capitalize in a title is important to make sure that your titles and headlines look correct. If you’re confused about what words to capitalize in a title or headline, we recommend using our title capitalization tool above, but if you want specific capitalization rules, they are as follows.